
Showing posts from February, 2017

Revisiting the Codependent Crazies

    Even if we have been in recovery for years, it’s still easy to fall back into the codependent crazies if we aren’t practicing strict awareness. We meet someone new and we may initially feel nothing special about this person. We like them and we enjoy seeing them. But as time passes we can suddenly catch ourselves thinking more and more about them, daydreaming about being with them, wanting to buy things for them, feeling empty and deprived when they aren’t around, wondering about what they are doing—in other words obsessing about them. When we feel the inner-turmoil of obsessing endlessly about the other person, we have fallen back into the codependent crazies and we are out of control. The painful feelings of obsessive love are a warning sign: they can lift the veil of denial and bring us back to reality. If, at this point, we truly open our inner-eyes we now have a choice: we can continue down the insane path of the codependent crazies by keeping our focus solely a...

Cradle Yourself in Trust

      Throughout recovery, trust in love. Trust in your Higher Power. Trust means you don’t have to worry about what you are powerless over. Enjoy the good that you find in your new journey of recovery. Always look up and always move forward, just like time does. Only look back to gain wisdom. Seems much of life is filled with uncertainty. The only real certainty you can experience is in this present moment. If all is good in this moment—outside of your head—then all is good. Be certain of that. And be certain that all will be good in the bigger picture of the new life that is unfolding before you in recovery.