Kindness Sets Love in Motion

Notice in this quote it says kindness is a simple way to tell "another" struggling soul that there is love in the world. "Another" implies, to me, that we too are struggling. And certainly as codependents or addicts, we are. This is why kindness needs to begin with us. We first need to learn to be kind to ourselves. It's important to share words of kindness, love, compassion and forgiveness with ourselves. It's also important that we begin to do nice things for ourselves. We can say "no" to helping someone when our plate is too full. We can spend the money on a massage for ourselves. We can take the time to prepare a nice cup of tea for ourselves. And we can learn to better accept kindness from others when it is offered to us. By treating ourselves with kindness, we prove to ourselves that we do have value and worth. And by being kind to ourselves, we build up the spiritual-mental-emotional resources to then be able to offer kindness ...