Be Responsible for YOUR Life and Happiness

It’s our responsibility to HELP people do what they can’t do alone. That’s called “providing a helping hand.” But we are not responsible for helping people who refuse to help themselves. Everyone has to be responsible for their own life and happiness. That’s why it’s impossible to “save” someone. No matter how many times you attempt to “save” people, it will never be enough because they aren’t willing to be responsible for their own happiness. So every time they’re unhappy— which can be every day— they come to expect that you should be responsible for making them happy. In other words, you become their drug of choice. So by always taking on responsibility for their happiness, you’re making them dependent, instead of helping them to stand on their own two feet and learn to find happiness within themselves through God. Remember, you are not now, nor never will you be, God. But, you can always pray to God for those who need to learn to be responsible for their own lives and ...