How Well Are You Owning Your Personal Power Today?

How well are you owning your personal power today? I woke up this morning and realized that I wasn't owning mine very well. And it was obvious to me why: I was caring about what other people think and trying to please them. I could feel the anxiety in the pit of my stomach and my heart was racing. Why? Just because someone placed a disagreeable comment on a digital media page that I am responsible for operating. First, I had to admit to myself that the comment really wasn't that negative and that I was taking it personally. Instead of immediately saying to myself "Everyone has a right to their opinion, we don't have to agree and that's fine," I was taking it as an attack. And not just an attack on the post itself, but a personal attack on me-- when in fact, it wasn't. Even after 25 years of Recovery, this is one of those areas I still struggle with from time to time. Owning my personal power is still so new to me, that I easily fall back into the habit of...