Fear is the Byproduct of One Deadly Phrase: “What if?”

Many addicts, and many people in general, get caught up in paralyzing phrases, like “What if” or “If only.” We May get word at work that the upper management is planning lay-offs. Suddenly our brains leave reality and enter a dark fantasy land as we start thinking to ourselves “What if I get a pink slip?” Or “If only I’d done a better job on that last project, I wouldn’t have to worry about being layed-off!” Truth is, we don’t have to worry about being layed-off at all. If we stay in the present moment, we realize everything is OK. We have no pink slip in our hands. Life is good, except in our sick little minds, where we have wandered off into the terror-land of “What if?” “What if...” is not reality. It’s negative projection into the future. It is nothing more than a fear-invoking mind game. I’ve decided that “What if” is one of the most deadly and useless phrases on earth. It creates worthless fear and worry that often consumes us, robs us of happiness and stymies our person...