You Were Created to Be Yourself, Not Someone Else’s Mini-Me

Attention all codependents/addicts! Stop being the person you THINK other people want or expect you to be. You no longer have to be whomever your mother, father, siblings, coworkers, friends, etc. told you that you SHOULD be. They were not assigned by a God or any Higher Power to dictate your life for you.

When we allow other people to rule our lives with their approval/disapproval, we make them into false Higher Powers. Their opinions have no more power than what we CHOOSE to give them. Why do we need to care about what other people think about us? We don’t. Even the people who truly love us won’t always like what we say or do. But that lapse in approval won’t stop them from loving us. And if we truly love them, when they do or say something we don’t approve of, we have the right to dislike their behavior, but we don’t stop loving them.

So let’s focus our attention on being our true selves. We can work everyday at being a little better as we strive to be the person GOD, or HIGHER POWER, intended us to be. No one has ever set the world on fire by being a false-self that some other person created— because they allowed others to recreate them by giving their personal power away through an obsessive need for outside approval.

All authentic approval comes from within us through our partnership with our Higher Power. So be who God created you to be and make a real difference in this world by allowing your beauty to shine from inside-out. That’s how we set the world on fire by being our natural selves.


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