Walk Away from the People Who Attempt to Make You Feel Loved Today and Worthless Tomorrow

As recovering codependents, the "some people" mentioned above are the people that we do NOT want in our lives. Unfortunately, many of us don't realize that fact. For years, we've believed quite wrongly that we were the problem if someone suddenly turned their back on us and deemed us "worthless." We mistakenly believed that these people were our friends, or sincerely loving family members, when in fact they were perpetrators-- they were agents of harm toward us. No one who truly loves us turns their back on us. Even if we do things to hurt each other, if we truly love each other, we will own up to our mistakes and we will make amends between us. That's not the case with people who treat us like we're important today and then treat us like we're worthless tomorrow. This can happen for many reasons, but the primary ones I have experienced are these: We have chosen to trust or rely on the approval of someone who can't even approve of him/hersel...