Get Out of Your Head and Into the Present Moment!
The present moment is all we have. So why don’t we stay in it? The question is simple, but the answer isn’t. We refuse to stay in the present moment, in real life, for multiple reasons. For some, the present moment is too dull. We want drama and we don’t know how to live without it. So we will escape from the dullness of the present moment through thoughts that create negative landscapes and emotions—thoughts that will guarantee our continued victim-hood or martyrdom. For others, the present moment is lacking. We want one of two things: Either something we have never experienced or something that we no longer experience in the reality of the moment. It may be that we are lonely for the great lover that we have never encountered, and so instead of living this present moment as it is, we escape into the fantasy of our thoughts about meeting that great lover; of experiencing him/her and all of the ecstasy that we believe we are missing. We are creating a fake future. Or it may be that...