Soulshine Is as Simple as "Live and Let Live"

I haven’t written anything recently because I honestly haven’t had anything to say that hasn’t already been said. If I could sum up everything I’ve ever said, it would come down to this:

Living a harmonious life, one in which you maintain an overall sense of well-being, is as simple as “live and let live.” In other words, own the power that is yours to own and let go of your need to usurp power that is not yours to own.

If you love yourself enough to own your personal power, to set proper boundaries with others, to love and treat yourself with kindness, to respect yourself by speaking up for your needs and honoring yourself, then you will be half way to happiness.

Likewise, if you love others enough to allow them to own their personal power, to set their own boundaries, to allow them to be who they are and not who you want them to be, if you treat them with love, kindness and proper respect, then your happiness—and theirs—will be complete. These are two sides of the same coin: The coin of “unto thy own self be true;” the coin that recognizes personal freedom to be who God created you to be and that recognizes that everyone has that same God-given right. It is truly the coin of live and let live.

Maintaining an over-all sense of well-being is as simple—and as difficult—as that. Own your power and allow others to own theirs. It really boils down to being a good steward of your life by practicing proper self-care and allowing others to do the same. Sometimes this means we need to ask for help from others, and if we love ourselves enough, we will own the power to do so. We will ask for help and we will give help when we are asked to lend a hand.

By being true to yourself and by allowing others to be true to themselves, you will forever allow your soul to shine!


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