
Showing posts from October, 2011

Inside Out

Your outside world is almost always a projection of your inside world. Everything that's restlessly  churning inside of us ends up spilling into our outer reality. It paints a picture of the world that is flawed by the way we feel about ourselves. For some of us, it ends up being a pretty gruesome portrait of an inner-outer world rife with  drama and disappointment. The only way to see the outer world as it truly is-- without our inner-turmoil coloring it-- is through building a new relationship with ourselves and our past. See yourself through new eyes, see the true beauty of who you are, and you will see the world with the same true beauty. You will then begin to color your outer-world with the inner peaceful, love-filled projections of your inner-world. And both worlds will be much better places to live and thrive in. (P.S.-- I haven't written much lately because I've been on holiday, but I'm also beginning to believe that this blog may have outlived it's pur...

Get Over Being Ashamed

As a film buff, I’ve come to really love Mae West. She was someone who really knew how to own her personal power and no one—absolutely no one—could take it away from her. In her 1935 film Goin’ to Town , West exclaims “ Yeah, for a long time I was ashamed of the way I lived.” When questioned about whether she changed herself to please others she says “No, I got over being ashamed.” Seems many of us could take a good lesson or two from Mae West in learning how to get over being ashamed of who we are. No one can shame us unless we allow them to do so. No one can make us feel worthless unless we believe deep down inside that we are worthless. And no one can make a doormat out of us unless we voluntarily lay down for them. It’s time we all learned to get over being ashamed. We can start by realizing that we’re good enough just the way we are. Let’s focus on the inside instead of the outside: Affirm our own goodness. Let’s also care only about what we think of ourselves, an...

Heart Wide Open

The only way to live life is with your heart wide open. This is the only way that you fully experience the rain, sunshine, colors, textures and flavors of life. It's also the only way you really hear the soundtrack to your life.  A heart wide open brings the fullness of life to the surface of your every moment, your every breath, your every dream. And a heart wide open helps you to love all that you are, all that life is, all that other people are and all that God is.  A heart wide open allows you to shoot for the moon every day, and on those days when you can't quite reach the moon, it helps you to remember that you still have the stars. Shoot for the moon today.