Inside Out

Your outside world is almost always a projection of your inside world. Everything that's restlessly  churning inside of us ends up spilling into our outer reality. It paints a picture of the world that is flawed by the way we feel about ourselves. For some of us, it ends up being a pretty gruesome portrait of an inner-outer world rife with  drama and disappointment.

The only way to see the outer world as it truly is-- without our inner-turmoil coloring it-- is through building a new relationship with ourselves and our past. See yourself through new eyes, see the true beauty of who you are, and you will see the world with the same true beauty. You will then begin to color your outer-world with the inner peaceful, love-filled projections of your inner-world. And both worlds will be much better places to live and thrive in.

(P.S.-- I haven't written much lately because I've been on holiday, but I'm also beginning to believe that this blog may have outlived it's purpose. It gets very few hits-- even with daily postings-- and practically no comments. So I'm thinking about putting this blog to rest. If you feel it's useful, let me know.)


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