
Showing posts from January, 2019

It’s Time to Stop Running from Ourselves and from Life

Addictive acting out is all about one thing: Running from ourselves, from the selves that we refuse to accept as being “good enough.” We can change our behaviors. We can choose and eventually learn to be kinder to ourselves. We can choose to stop beating ourselves up with hateful thoughts. We can choose to set boundaries, to express how we really feel about life. We can choose to be honest and tell other people what behaviors are acceptable to us, and what behaviors are not acceptable. We can also be honest enough to tell people who we really are, without feeling guilt or shame about our own opinions, likes/dislikes, beliefs and personal needs. The flip side of this Serenity coin is that we must also accept the unchangeable about ourselves, others and life. We cannot change another person— PERIOD! We cannot rescue them, save them or recreate them to be what we want them to be. The same is true for ourselves. We can change our behaviors, but we can’t change our heritage, the col...

Faith + Trust = Freedom to Be Happy

Letting go is an incredible act of trust based in faith. We must have faith enough to trust our Higher Power to make all things right in our lives— without interference from us. When I look back at 2018, I realize that the less I tried to control other people, their lives and choices,  and the less I tried to control my own happiness by repeatedly trying to manipulate God, others and life itself, the freer and happier I became.  Trusting in your Higher Power— and in yourself and trustworthy people— is how we let go and allow life to flow along its natural course. It doesn’t guarantee complete uninterrupted happiness. There will be bumps and dark tunnels to face. But it does guarantee that we will survive those bumps and find new light at the end of every dark tunnel.  Our Higher Power LOVES us and wants what’s best for us everyday. Practice Steps 1-3, and gradually learn to release your need to manipulate life: Release that need into the hands of your Hig...

Self-Acceptance is the Doorway to Self-Love


Thank You, Higher Power, for a Good Year

ALEXANDER O'NEAL- THANK YOU FOR A GOOD YEAR (1988) 2018 was a very good year for me, primarily because I experienced a tremendous miracle through Recovery: I finally was able to “let go and let God” (Steps 1-3).  I don’t know how it happened. Maybe it happened because I changed my prayer habits. I stopped praying for everything I wanted in my life, and for the power to control life in so many ways. I stopped making demands of God based in unrealistic expectations. I let God be God and miracles happened. I started praying a simple daily prayer “Dear God, I trust that today You will do what is best for me, and that you will guide me to cooperate with You and help me to choose to do what’s best for me.” Gradually, I began to flow with every day of 2018, instead of trying to swim upstream. I stopped creating dramas in my head and chaos in my life. And life, in beautiful ways began to unfold before me. Last January I was asked to become Communications Director for the Nort...