Thank You, Higher Power, for a Good Year


2018 was a very good year for me, primarily because I experienced a tremendous miracle through Recovery: I finally was able to “let go and let God” (Steps 1-3).  I don’t know how it happened. Maybe it happened because I changed my prayer habits. I stopped praying for everything I wanted in my life, and for the power to control life in so many ways. I stopped making demands of God based in unrealistic expectations. I let God be God and miracles happened.

I started praying a simple daily prayer “Dear God, I trust that today You will do what is best for me, and that you will guide me to cooperate with You and help me to choose to do what’s best for me.” Gradually, I began to flow with every day of 2018, instead of trying to swim upstream. I stopped creating dramas in my head and chaos in my life.

And life, in beautiful ways began to unfold before me. Last January I was asked to become Communications Director for the North American Conference of the Redemptorists. I was then assigned to a communications Commission in Rome, Italy. The recovery article I had written for Liguorian Magazine, “Love Is an Inside Job,” won a second place award at the 2018 National Catholic Press Awards. All of these wonderful things happened and they happened naturally, without my having to CONTROL any of it!

I also took to heart Robert Holden’s saying “No amount of self improvement can make up for any lack of self acceptance.” I realized that being happy in life requires being happy with myself, loving myself. Today, I do!

2018 provided me with so many blessings, including loving myself and trusting my Higher Power to make all things right. All I had to do was let go of my demands about how life should be (control), and allow life to simply be. And it was wonderful beyond belief. That’s not to say that there weren’t problems and hardships. There were. But because I felt so much better about myself, and because I was trusting God for the first time in my life, I was always able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Instead of being the victim of hard times, I was the victor because I looked for the lesson, the silver lining that’s present in every hardship.

2019 is going to be a fabulous year. It already is for me, and I wish the same for everyone reading this; and for everyone in the entire world. Thank you, Higher Power, for a good year! For the first time in my entire life, I know what true GRATITUDE really feels like and it's awesome!


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