The Codependent Crazies: Urgent, Urgent, Emergency!

I’ve been in the process of moving to Washington,DC, all week and I have also been in the Rock band Foreigner’s “Urgent, urgent, emergency” mode. It’s come to my attention that many of us who deal with codependency issues suffer from the need to do everything urgently. Most likely it’s caused by our obsessive need to control the world around us. I thought the movers were coming Wednesday, but I received a call late Monday afternoon that they were coming Tuesday. Immediately I went into “urgent, urgent, emergency” mode. I suddenly had to get done everything I thought I was going to have Tuesday to do. Tuesday comes and by afternoon, it’s obvious that the moving company’s sales rep underestimated how long it was going to take to pack up my office and house. The moving men only finished the office by the end of the day, which meant the house would have to be packed on Wednesday: Urgent, Urgent, emergency was rushing through my head. Wednesday morning I received a call ...