Choose To Be at Peace With Yourself

I like this quote above, but I’d change the words to read like this: “Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow your THOUGHTS to control your emotions.” 

Everyday, I encounter people who are emotionally ruled by their negative thinking and their demeaning self-talk. Thoughts are just thoughts. They have no power of their own. They only have the power we choose to attach to them.

If we are feeling depressed or emotionally overwhelmed by our personal thoughts, it’s because we are choosing to punish ourselves. No one is forcing us to think badly about ourselves— aside from us. The grand question we all need to ask ourselves is “Why?” Why are we purposely choosing to be mean to ourselves? We could just as easily choose to be kind to ourselves. We can choose any and every moment to reject negative self-thoughts/talk and to replace it with self-affirming thoughts/self-talk.

Because we actually do have a choice, it makes no sense for us to continue to be mean to ourselves, unless we’re in dire subconscious need for drama and chaos in our lives. I no longer choose to engage in negative self-talk. I no longer choose to give power to these bad thoughts. True, I can’t keep them from popping into my head at times, but I don’t have to feed them. I now choose to starve them.

No longer will I allow negative thoughts or self-talk to have power over me or my feelings. Instead, I choose to free myself from them and I choose to be at peace with myself.


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