Codependents Are Often "Blind to Love"

The quote above is from the 2019 film, Isn't It Romantic? Josh (Adam Devine) says these words directly to Natalie (Rebel Wilson) because he's been in love with her, but she's too self-alienated (or codependent) to see or even conceive that he could really be interested in her. They work together in the same architectural firm and Josh is always glancing Natalie's way, hoping she'll notice him. But she has a large picture window behind her desk. Outside the window is a billboard with a beautiful supermodel on it. And Natalie mistakenly believes that Josh is staring at the billboard model. It would never cross her mind that Josh could be glancing at her. Why? Because when she was a little girl, Natalie's mother told her that girls like them never find fairy tale romance, like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman , because they aren't pretty or thin enough. And even though little Natalie disagrees with her mother, her mother's belief has a lasting effect o...