Allowing our souls to shine is the best way I know of to help make the world a better place. Love can transform the world, if we all do our part. Doing our part means nurturing our own self-love. Once we are able to accept and love ourselves just the way we are, we will be better able to accept and love others in the same way. So let's allow ourselves to love and be loved, and let's "pay it forward," especially to those who may seem less than lovable to us. Everyone needs a little love.
What Negative Childhood Patterns of Behavior Are You Still Acting-Out Today?
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Most of us in Recovery know that hurting people (our parents) hurt other people (us, as children). And we know that our self-loathing and addictive issues began in childhood because our parents were hurting inside themselves. We also know that childhood mistreatment effects our adult behavioral patterns to this very day. According to the excerpt below, from The Power of Positivity, there are at least seven behavioral patterns that exist in adults who didn't receive the proper love and positive affirmation they needed as children. Below are the seven behavioral patterns, directly quoted from The Power of Positivity:
1. Lack of trust
a sense of trust on an individual level requires a steady external
environment. During childhood, it is essential that the people around us
be relatively stable. We must feel safe and feel some semblance of
emotional giving from others. Without a stable and nurturing environment, the child may very well find it difficult to trust others. Of course, this underdevelopment makes just about every type of relationship difficult.
2. Poor emotional intelligence
Children learn to interpret emotions primarily through dyadiccommunication
such as words and gestures. Both play a crucial role in helping the
child articulate their feelings, manage fears, understand negative
emotions, and develop resilience. Without the ability to correctly interpret their emotional states, the child may never develop an essential life quality: emotional intelligence.
3. Fear of failure
children who grow up in a neglectful environment never develop a
healthy sense of self-worth. On the other hand, a stimulating and loving
environment can instill confidence and fortitude. A child who is
unloved almost certainly feels an absence of self-esteem; often
manifesting as an unjustifiable sense of failure. Many otherwise intelligent people don’t live up to their potential only because they weren’t loved and embraced as children.
4. Toxic relationships
human brain learns primarily through association and pattern
recognition. In psychology and cognitive neuroscience, pattern
recognition is “a cognitive process that matches information from a stimulus (the outside world) with information retrieved from memory.” Regarding relationships, the unloved child will seek out the familiar; namely, toxic people.
5. Insecurity and attachment
Every legitimate mental health expert will agree that a positive environment outside of the home helps – at least, to some degree – counteract the negativity found inside of the home. But this is where things get complicated (and infuriating). If
a child can not rely on the very people who are responsible for
ensuring his or her caregiving, how can he or she rely on anyone?
6. Depression and anxiety
It is no surprise that unloved children often battle mental health issues. Depression
and anxiety stemming from (a) having experienced neglect, and (b) the
inevitable complications that surface once the child ages, are
commonly-cited experiences. Depression and anxiety are the two
most common mental health issues in the world. And the chances of an
adult developing both increases substantially with a history of neglect.
7. Oversensitivity
all heard the term “Don’t take it personally.” On the whole, this is
solid advice. People dealing with their own issues often project these
issues onto others, and it behooves us to understand this human
inclination. However, for someone who had the misfortune
of growing up in an unloving home, to not take things personally goes
against the grain of their psyche. After all, the person must now contend with an intense fear of rejection – a byproduct of feeling insignificant and unloved. “Stop
being so sensitive” is a go-to phrase of abusers; ironically, this
belittlement only heaps onto the person’s already fragile sensibilities.
This may also result in a leaning towards having panic attacks.
Final Thoughts “Overall, caregivers communicate love and nurturing through how they live their own lives.” Everyone has their own way of showing love to children; but it is through showing love – regardless of the method – that sets the very foundation for the rest of their lives.
an article named “Early Childhood Love And Nurturing,” written by three
prominent child psychologists, the experts provide the following
advice: – Making it a priority to demonstrate love and affection for your children every day. – Giving words of praise when earned (through chores, academic achievements, etc.) –
Showing a positive outlook and exhibiting emotional maturity (calmness,
patience, etc.) creates a peaceful environment for children. – As a parent or caregiver, feeling “consistently grouchy, irritable, negative, or sad” may hinder a child’s development. – It is necessary “to get assistance … (through) a support system for encouragement and assistance.”
Hello I just wanted to thank you so much for your blog .I am attempting to get out of a toxic codependant marriage and it's like climbing mount Everest with the summit moving further away sometimes. I know I will get there , I guess I'm very scared as I know that for a time my life will probably feel worse once I leave ..whilst I heal and finally face the wounds of my childhood. I chose a man just like my Dad , an emotionally unavailble drinker who scares me a little. I too will definitely have a void that was once filled with his drama and my contempt .I feel like I don't know myself as I've finally woken up . BUT I am hopeful I can't wait to see how to fill my life with healthy positive thoughts and feelings . Please keep writing I appreciate it so much .. you are a flickering light in the darkness leading me to that summit. With love and gratitude from yorkshire Uk xxxxxxx
Ah, the codependent crazies. Those needy, needy feelings. I remember well the deep emotional pain in the pit of my stomach: The throbbing sting of shame, fear, loneliness and anxious desperation. Those feelings that are like fingernails on the blackboard of your soul. They eat you alive from within as they dig deeper and deeper into the black hole of your inner-emptiness. Yes, I remember them well. And I remember evenings of mental and emotional insanity-- squirming with a magazine, pacing back and forth, indulging in chocolate, chasing up and down the stairs hoping the doorbell would ring, and staring endlessly at the telephone for a sign of hope. All I needed was a call from my false higher power; a call that would help me to know that I was OK, that I was needed, that I was worth thinking about in some good way. I was dying to be emotionally caressed on the head like a poodle desperate for the attention of his master. And certainly I had made that other person into my mas...
You stare at me in disbelief You say for you there's no relieve But I swear I'll prove you wrong. Don't stay in your lonely room Just staring back in silent gloom. That's not where you belong Come with me I'll take you where the taste of life is green And everyday holds wonders to be seen. Come with me, leave yesterday behind And take a giant step outside your mind. Gerry Goffin and Carole King, Take a Giant Step In reality, there’s only one world. Yet nearly all of us have created parallel universes inside our heads. Addicts, in particular, seem to spend way too much time inside their head-worlds. I suppose this is because the real outer-world didn’t feel safe to us when we were children. So we chose to escape from it by withdrawing into a little dream world inside our childhood heads. Unfortunately, with each passing year, our childhood dream worlds slowly eroded into adult nightmare worlds; probably because we became more and more reliant up...
Throughout my life I have committed self-sabotage against my own happiness endlessly-- far too many times to count. Self-sabotage is a terrible problem for so many codependents/addicts. The problem is rooted in the false belief that we are not good enough for any person. It's especially difficult if we are approached by a man or woman who is very attractive to us. We just can't believe that this fabulous person could actually be interested in us. After all, we're telling ourselves, at least subconsciously, that this person is too interesting, too handsome, too sexy or too intelligent to be interested in us. And because we don't want to make a bigger fool out of ourselves than we already perceive ourselves to be, we push him or her away. This fabulous person may pursue us and yet that still isn't enough to convince us that we are worthy of him/her. Sooner or later, they get the message and they are gone from our lives. Days, weeks or months later, we may realize ...
For an active codependent, there are reasons why one sign of affection from another person can be one too many and why one hundred signs of affection will most likely never be enough. The codependent’s internal neediness for affection is fueled by self-negating factors. Let’s look at some of these factors. The first self-negating factor is the codependent’s belief that they are not as good as other people. This belief causes codependents to see themselves as unlovable in the eyes of others. An active codependent can see value and beauty in most anyone aside from themselves. Why would this be? Well, most likely because, as children, they were treated like they were somehow subhuman by parents and/or other adults. Seeing themselves as subhuman robbed the child of self-love before it could ever take root inside of them, and thus robbed them of any hope for having good self-esteem. A second self-negating factor, also related to poor parenting skills, is fear of aba...
Hello I just wanted to thank you so much for your blog .I am attempting to get out of a toxic codependant marriage and it's like climbing mount Everest with the summit moving further away sometimes. I know I will get there , I guess I'm very scared as I know that for a time my life will probably feel worse once I leave ..whilst I heal and finally face the wounds of my childhood. I chose a man just like my Dad , an emotionally unavailble drinker who scares me a little. I too will definitely have a void that was once filled with his drama and my contempt .I feel like I don't know myself as I've finally woken up . BUT I am hopeful I can't wait to see how to fill my life with healthy positive thoughts and feelings . Please keep writing I appreciate it so much .. you are a flickering light in the darkness leading me to that summit. With love and gratitude from yorkshire Uk xxxxxxx