Return to Love and Life With the Innocence of a Child

“In the end what matters most is
how well did you love,
how well did you live,
how well did you learn to let go.”

I found the statement above on a wall-banner in a small shop in Flagstaff, Arizona, earlier in the year. And I love its simple wisdom. Codependents, and all addictive personalities, spend most of their lives trying to control every aspect of every moment of every day—from whether or not the sun shines and just how much it shines, to what others choose to wear and how they choose to wear it, to what the checker at the grocery thinks about them and they’re eating habits.

The problem with trying to control life is that it’s impossible to control life and live life at the same time. When we are always busy about controlling every moment of our day, we are in a defensive mode, a survival mode. No one enjoys being on the defensive. People enjoy life when they actually allow their day to unfold before them and they choose to walk through their day spontaneously. When we live spontaneously life simply and deliciously happens. We’re in enjoyment mode. And we are actually living life as our Higher Power has intended.

This is truly learning how to let go. It’s like falling backwards into the arms of our Higher Power and life in general. It means taking risks, allowing ourselves to be free spirits and allowing the forces of the Universe to flow through us. Essentially, it means returning to the level of trust that we possessed as small children. Children don’t obsess about controlling their day. They flow through their day enjoying one moment at a time, alive to the mystery that they find in each and every moment.

As children free-flow through their day, their hearts are open to allow love to flow generously through them. Children love well, live well and always have their hands open to allow love to flow through them. Let’s take some time today to practice returning to loving well, living well and being as free-spirited as we were as children. In the end, we will then know how truly simple and blessed life can be!


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