Our Wants and Needs Are Valid; Learn to Honor Them

I just returned from a fabulous trip to Asia. It was an all-expense paid trip to Hong Kong, Bangkok and Koh Samui. And although I thoroughly enjoyed the trip, I still suffered from some pangs of guilt, which I was acutely aware of as I was experiencing them.

The guilt stemmed from the fact that I was enjoying myself at someone else’s monetary expense. It was a gift that deep-down I didn’t feel worthy of receiving. The guilt wasn’t so evident when we did things as a group, but if I was lunching on my own or taking an afternoon sight-seeing trip on my own, I felt guilty about charging things to my room; knowing that I wasn’t going to have to pay for them.

I realized that all of this guilt stemmed from my deeply engrained belief that my needs and wants aren’t valid. As a child I never felt that I had the right to have wants and needs. I was brainwashed into believing it was purely selfish to want or need anything. As an adult I’ve mostly coped with that guilt by being self-sufficient and perpetually providing for myself.

All of this points to the fact that it’s very difficult for codependents to accept gifts, kindness, compliments or monetary support from others. This is an area of our development that many of us need to work on as codependents. And we can best work on it by being aware when we are feeling guilt over having wants and needs, and by being willing to push past that guilt and accept gifts graciously.

The friend who was hosting me on this trip to Asia was happy to be paying for everything. It was indeed his gift to me. I was the one who didn’t feel comfortable and that feeling was all about me. I understood this and it helped me to feel the guilt and move past it without sacrificing my wants and needs.

There were days when I considered skipping lunch because I didn’t want to charge it to my room, but I knew that this guilt was irrational and I went ahead and ate anyway. There were days when my friend just wanted to lounge around on the beach or at the spa and he encouraged me to take a day trip, so I did. I pushed past the initial guilt, for example, of having a hotel taxi available to me for an entire afternoon at my friend’s expense and took a wonderful trip to visit a Buddhist temple and a nice shopping area.

In other words, I acknowledged that I had wants and needs on this trip and that my wants and needs were as valid as my friend’s, or anyone else’s. I allowed the guilt to be present and to eventually subside by refusing to fight it and by refusing to be controlled by it. I allowed the guilt to be present and I pushed beyond it by honoring my wants and needs as valid. In doing so, I moved beyond my codependent tendencies and into a healthier place of being true to myself.


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