If You're Panicking Over Coronavirus, Get Out of Your Subconscious Mind and Trust Your Higher Power

So, how are you handling the coronavirus pandemic as a codependent? I'm actually surprised at how well I am handling it. A few years ago, my urgent codependent need to control my Higher Power's handling of the pandemic would have had me tied up in mental and emotional knots right now. Throw in the fact that I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which gives me an urgent fear of germs/viruses/bacteria, and I'd be on the verge of an emotional breakdown.

But today that's not the case. Why? Well, through Recovery I've learned so much about how by brain functions. In particular, I've learned that most of my daily life and fears are controlled by my subconscious mind. We can spend 95% of our day reacting to chaos and drama that's playing in our subconscious mind, and not even begin to realize consciously what's actually going on. This is why we actually spend more time living in our heads than in reality.

Years of Recovery are now paying off during this pandemic, which is like nothing I've ever experienced in my whole lifetime, because I've learned to stop defaulting to my subconscious mind and spend more time in conscious reality. 

Sure, I understand the seriousness of the coronavirus and I'm taking the necessary precautions to protect myself and others-- BUT I'M NOT AFRAID. I'm not trapped in fear and panic because I know I can't control this virus and I also have faith enough to believe that my Higher Power does have control. I believe everything will work out in the end and I no longer NEED TO KNOW HOW--NOW!

Every addict suffers from the NEED for "I want what I want and I want it NOW!" It's the innate need to control life on our terms, which is impossible. This is why we are so prone to fear, which leads to emotionally medicating to alleviate the fear, once we realize that what we want NOW is something we are powerless over. 

Right now, on a conscious level, I have no need to control the coronavirus and I have no compulsion to want to SAVE ANYONE ELSE from it. I feel calm. But I also feel the pressure boiling up inside of me that is a result of all of the fears in my subconscious mind. Those old fears and needs to control and rescue are still there bubbling under the surface. They cause me to feel some discomfort and they weight on me to some degree, but they are not controlling me. I am controlling them, by the grace of God, in a way that is healthy for me.

 So, today I challenge everyone to work on getting out from underneath the control of your subconscious mind. Don't allow it to rule 95% of your day. Don't allow it to take you down the fear-filled road of "what ifs." There is no reality to "what if?" It's simply a nasty subconscious mind game. And it drives us to panic, to want to control everything around us and to caretake others, falsely believing we can SAVE them.

 Truthfully, there's nothing to fear but fear itself, which is a figment of the imagination. Fear and worry are a misuse of the imagination rooted in the subconscious mind. None of us have to give fear any power over us. We can move out of our heads and into the reality that everything will work out for the best because our Higher Power has a plan. It's a blessing to let go of our fears and to follow the path of that plan, just as our Higher Power guides us to do so.


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