When Life Sucks, Rise Above It!

Sometimes life just sucks and there’s not much we can do about it aside from allowing ourselves to feel the disappointment and emotional pain. When life is simply sucking, I think it’s a clue that we need to grow ourselves and grow our Higher Power.

We all have a higher-self we need to rely on more often. That higher self is a higher level of consciousness above our normal thought patterns. We can get in touch with this higher self when we take time to meditate and “watch” our thoughts pass through our minds. As we “watch” thoughts come and go we rise to a level of consciousness ABOVE our thoughts; we realize that we are NOT our thoughts; that we are more than and greater than our thoughts; that there is a more mature and more tuned-in to “God” side of us.

I put “God” in quotes because God is a difficult word. “God” means so many things, both positive and negative, to so many people. I grew up with a very difficult Catholic God who was never on my side. Today I think the term Catholic God is too limiting. So it’s refreshing to hear someone like Pope Francis say that he doesn’t pray to a Catholic God; that his God is bigger than that. The concept of a Catholic/Christian God, or a Jewish God or a 12 Step God is too limiting. A REAL God, a REAL Higher Power, has to serve EVERYONE, not just a limited few.

So when life sucks we need to lick our wounds and then rise above it all. We rise above it by listening to our higher inner-consciousness and by re-visioning our Higher Power as one who is always there for us, no matter how much life sucks. Of course this means we have to rise above being the victim of life, of ourselves and of an outmoded concept of a Higher Power that isn’t working for us.

Yesterday I fired my old Higher Power. Today I’m working on a higher level of consciousness and developing a new relationship with a new Higher Power; one that’s on my side--- and EVERYONE’S side. Life can only get better.


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