Difficult Feelings Are Just Visitors

"Feelings are just visitors, let them come and go."

Sometimes we struggle the most with our difficult feelings at night. We feel empty, anxious, needy, even desperate inside, and these feelings drive our desire to act-out.

This is when we need to remember that feelings are just visitors. They won't last. We just need to accept them and allow them to pass through us. So next time we're in that bad emotional state, instead of acting-out, let's think about how loved we are.

God loves each and every one of us immensely, and we all have people in our lives who love and care about us, too. It would be better to reach out to one of those persons, as well as our Higher Power, instead of reaching for a means of self-medicating.

Instead of acting-out, we can also make a list of all we are grateful for, counting up all of our blessings. And we can push past our denial and self-pity and credit ourselves for being truly good people.


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