Scared to Be Lonely

Codependent addiction to another person is fueled by lack of self-love and because the codependent is "Scared to Be Lonely." The codependent is desperate for someone to hold them just to be able to feel like they're acceptable, alright and maybe even lovable.

Unfortunately, the codependent person most often chooses an equally emotionally needy person to temporarily lose themselves in: someone who is also "scared to be lonely." And they simply feed off of each other's neediness, mistaking it for love until reality finally proves it to be mutual manipulation. And the relationship falls apart once denial is replaced by reality.

In recovery, we learn to stop confusing addictive codependent/love attraction with authentic love attraction. We stop choosing needy/manipulative people to partner with and start choosing emotionally stable/loving people instead. This is how we start building healthy, successful love relationships. Get to a CODA meeting and start turning your life around for the better! Only you, partnered with your Higher Power, can change your behavior to be truly happy.


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