Imagine How Speaking Kindly to Yourself Can Help You Grow

I don’t have a green thumb and have never gardened. But I’ve certainly heard enough about how plants actually do grow when people speak kindly to them. So I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that plants also die when people say ugly things to them.

It’s about time that we codependents stop talking ugly to ourselves. It’s impossible to be happy or grow in any positive way when we are consistently hard on ourselves with our words and in our thoughts. Harsh thoughts affect our bodies and thus our physical health as well as our mental and emotional health. I know this is true because anytime I’m being hard on myself with ugly thoughts, my digestion problems go through the roof.

When I start speaking kindly to myself, my whole body calms down and I feel fine. My digestion problems diminish and my blood pressure returns to normal.

It makes no sense to choose to punish ourselves with ugly self-thoughts. We want others to speak kindly to us, right? Then we need to be the first to do so. And we need to learn to be kinder to ourselves than any other person could possibly be. Your Higher Power is waiting to help you. Start speaking kindly to yourself right now and your Higher Power will work with you. Then watch yourself grow in amazing ways!


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