Are Your Thoughts Making You Physically Sick? Then Take Your Power Back from Them!

Thoughts have always been a problem for me because I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Rarely have my thoughts been on my side. Instead of being sources of healing for me, they’ve been sources of self-destruction. Until now.

Over the past few years, I’ve realized just how powerful my thoughts are. They can cause turmoil in my body in ways I never realized. Since 2005, I’ve been coping with acid reflux. I started with the over the counter medications, but then progressed to using prescription strength, which worried me because of the possible negative side effects. Those possible side effects made my OCD crazier, so four weeks ago I stopped taking the medication. Instead I’ve taken one Pepcid in the morning and one in the evening— if I’ve needed to!

Did I really have an acid reflux problem all those years, or was it my self-destructive thinking that upset my gastric system and caused me unnecessary problems? Seems it was the latter. I’m totally amazed that I’ve been able to go four weeks without the acid reflux medicine and have had practically no symptoms. Diet Dr. Pepper is a big problem for me because I love it, but the acid is a problem, or so I thought. I currently am recovering from a sinus infection, and today, I’ve had three Dr. Peppers because the carbonation makes my throat feel better. Three soft drinks, no Pepcid, and I feel fine.

This tells me that my indigestion problems were mostly in my head. I had also been having problems with constipation since 2012 , but not any more. The past two months I’ve been regular as ever. I would especially have problems traveling, but I recently spent a week with friends at Disneyland and had NO problems.

Do thoughts have power? YES! Thoughts have tremendous power. They can make us emotionally, spiritually and physically sick. But the truth is that thoughts have no more power than we give them. I’ve recently stopped giving power to negative thoughts and feelings. Instead of fighting them, I’m embracing them, loving them and disempowering them. For example, some guilty thoughts were plaguing me at Disneyland, and so I said to myself “You can’t feel guilty at the happiest place on earth!” Then I said to myself “ You know what? I LOVE feeling guilty! It’s a great feeling!” And sure enough, I took the bite out of the feeling and it faded away!

I will no longer be a prisoner to self-defeating thoughts and feelings. No one has to be. We can choose to take our power back from all of our negative thoughts and find that many of the emotional and physically problems we thought we were having were just a figment of our self-torture. I don’t believe I have an acid reflux problem. I have a self-destructive thought problem that fills my digestive system with anxiety, and that anxiety cause digestive problems. When I take away the negative thinking, all is well!


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