There’s Great Truth in “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life”

Addicts, and probably most people, have a continual war going on inside themselves. The war is between the beauty of our true selves and the trash of our inner-critic. For some of us, the inner-critic’s garbage talk is constantly dominating our thoughts. And, whether we understand it or not, it’s happening by default.

We learned many years ago to pay more attention to criticism than to praise. Criticism, from inside and outside ourselves, became our norm. The feelings of self-loathing that criticism caused then disabled us from accepting positive thoughts, or compliments, about ourselves. 

I don’t know why God gave us a subconscious mind. If I could rip mine out, I would because most of our inner self-abuse happens in our subconscious mind, and so we often aren’t aware of how mean we’re being to ourselves thoughtwise until our feelings of shame  begin to devour us.

The best way to defeat subconscious negative thoughts is by investing all of our energy in positive, loving conscious thoughts. We become what we think about, or believe about ourselves. For years many of us have believed we are worthless, and our conscious thoughts of worthlessness have invaded our subconscious minds, where they continually destroy our inner-happiness.

Want to be happy? Start being kind, instead of mean, to yourself CONSCIOUSLY. The more we think good thoughts about ourselves, and accept the compliments and love of others, the more we will boost our self-acceptance, self-love and self-esteem.

Let’s start now. It’s the perfect day to CHANGE by thinking well of ourselves! 🙏🏼


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