No One Can “Light Your Fire” But You

I continually tell people who attend my Recovery retreats that “all of your answers are inside of you. I don’t have them; only you do. And between you and your Higher Power, you are going to have to go deep inside yourself and find your own answers.” In other words, “Everything you need is already inside of you.”

Recovery from any addictive behavior requires hard internal work. No other person can do that work for us. We have to do it. We need to seek therapy, support groups, a Higher Power that we can trust, recovery-based reading resources, retreats, etc. We need to seek whatever is necessary to light our own fire.

We do have the matches to light that fire from within and to shine brightly as the true person God created us to be. No one else can light our inner-fire. This is a hard lesson for codependents, or any addict who expects to be rescued or saved by another person. 

Only you can rescue yourself. Only you have your answers inside of you. Only you can discover them. True, we can never do it alone, but we have to be the one who ignites and follows through on our own recovery to wholeness of life.


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