Rewire Your Self-Thoughts and Step Into the Spotlight of Life

"Don't stand in the corner, waiting for a chance, make your own music, start your own dance... Everybody is a star, it's got to come from the heart... Don't be afraid to try... Everybody wants to shine, don't stand on the sideline, step into the light, but it's got to come from INSIDE... listen to your heart and step into the spotlight."
Madonna, Spotlight (1987)

I've known for a long time that the subconscious mind is very powerful. Howard Falco says in his book I AM that our conscious thoughts go into our subconscious mind and replay themselves over and over. It's then the job of our ego to reinforce what is being said in our subconscious mind and to make it our reality. What you think, you become.

I'm reading Joseph Murphy's The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, and he expresses the same basic theory. Murphy says "All of your experiences, events, conditions and acts are produced by your subconscious mind in reaction to your (conscious) thoughts... Thought is incipient action. The reaction is the response from your subconscious mind that corresponds to the nature of your thought." To put it more plainly, what you consciously think about yourself, you become.

For years I've consciously told myself "I'm not good enough" or "I'm fat" or "I'm stupid" or "I'm ugly" or "I'm bad." Those conscious thoughts have become lodged in the darkroom of my subconscious mind. And, as a result, I have become all of the things I consciously said to myself-- at least when I look in the mirror. And it makes no difference is it's a literal mirror or simply the mirror of my mind.

It's up to me, and to all of us, to make the conscious decision to change our negative self-thoughts/talk into positive self-thoughts/talk. As Madonna says in her song Spotlight, that change has to come from INSIDE of us. It can never come from outside. No one else can love us into loving ourselves. We have to do it!

So let's start by saying kind, good affirming things about ourselves. Let's do it consciously. Let's say it out loud: "I AM good enough," "I AM awesome," "I AM beautiful," "I AM brilliant," "I AM a star!" Through rewiring our conscious and subconscious minds, we can leave the sidelines of addiction by conquering our fears, we can start our own dance and we can step into the spotlight of life as truly talented, worthy and happy people. It's our time to shine!


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