All I Want for Christmas Is Self-Respect

All I want for Christmas is self-respect, and it’s a gift that seems to be coming to me more and more each day. Truth is, when you have enough self-love to respect yourself you see the whole world awash in new, brighter colors. You feel like you finally fit-in. You find your space and you walk your path with new vigor. Inside there’s a new feeling and it sings to you and the world around you: “Nothing can stop me now!”

Everyone is your equal and you are everyone’s equal. No one can put you down without embarrassing themselves. You own and retain your power regardless of what anyone else says, does, believes or wants. Suddenly you realize that you have become your own best friend. Your body feels comfortable to you no matter what size you are, what color you are or how old or young you are. Your personality bubbles up and spills all over everything and everyone around you—and you love it—even in the face of detractors. You need no one to complete you or make you OK. You’ve discovered and accepted that you are OK. Shame is no longer a word in your vocabulary. You’ve given it the boot and crushed it under your feet.

You’ve discovered your truth and you’re feeling the amazement of living it! Your truth feels great and you’re learning how to wear it with healthy pride. It’s yours to live fully. It provides you with space you roam and breathe, with creativity and beauty, with vivaciousness and joy. Essentially, it transforms you into the greatest glory of God: A human being fully alive with self-love, appreciation and self-respect.

There’s no greater gift that you can give to yourself this Christmas. Give the gift of self-love to yourself every day, as if every day is Christmas. Watch your self-respect grow through your new found ability to let go of other people’s personal baggage and retain your own personal power, to set proper boundaries with others that honor who you are, and to accept yourself and all of life as it is, with love and respect.


  1. I have signed in as anonymous because that is who I've been to me for most of my life.

    I thank the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Beloved Beautiful Lady of Guadalupe for never giving up on me and for lifting me up when I was ready to give up. Thankfully my guardian angels, along with St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael have helped with some of the lifting:)

    After attending the April, 2011 Co-Dependent, Hasty Hearts retreat at the Redemptorist Renewal Center with Fr. Charlie, I have been rapidly unwrapping the gift of who God created me to be, warts and all, and by God's Grace my soul has been shining.

    Of course, there have been many challenges along the way, but that is LIFE, and now I am finally ready to accept LIFE on its terms, and not with my delusional and warped manner of desperately trying to control and harness LIFE. I can't help but laugh at what has been my reality for so long. I thank GOD for the gift of laughter as I write this last paragraph;)

    With God's help, I can only give me the gift of self-respect, and I will this truth to be my reality!

    beloved daughter of God


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