Your Sunshine is Inside of You

Rainy day—no problem. Snowy day—no problem. Simply a grey day—no problem. Your sunshine is inside of you. Many people are totally unaware that the weather cannot make them happy. They live for sunny days and choose to be gloomy when the sky fills with clouds. If you’re living for a sunny day, you’re giving your power away. And if you give your power away to the weather, you most likely give your power away to everything and everyone.

As long as you are happy inside yourself, as long as you turn inside yourself for spiritual and emotional nourishment, you will provide internal-eternal sunshine to your life. Of course, sometimes we have to allow it to rain inside our souls. We have to throw open the shutters and allow healing tears to wash over us and renew us as a means of regenerating sunshine from within. But this is OK. It’s all in our hands and the hands of our Higher Power, who will always help us find inner-balance and joy. What’s really important here, is that we are holding ourselves responsible for providing our own sunshine, instead of holding other people, places, things or even the weather responsible.

Choose to be responsible for your own sunshine. It’s all inside of you.


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