I Am Worthy of Love!

“I Am Who I Am” is who God is. It is a declaration of the God who lives in the eternal present. God is the God of the NOW, the present moment-- every present moment. God is not the God of the past or the future, but of the present.

I am who I am is also all that we can be. We can all say “I am who I am.“ And none of us can be more or less than who we are in this present moment. So it’s important that we listen to and be aware of the I AM statements we each choose to own.

Since we were small children, many of us learned, and have continually chosen to affirm, negative I AM statements about ourselves: “I am stupid,” “I am ugly,” “I am fat” “ I am worthless,“ “I am irresponsible” and “I am unlovable” are just a few of the bad I AM statements that have ruled our daily lives. These negative thoughts have produced much misery. And they’ve led us to believe the following: Overall, “I AM not good enough.”

As a result, we have come to believe we are unworthy of love, of nurturing and of all that is good in life. And every mistake we’ve made has continually reinforced our painful I AM statements.

But today is truly a NEW DAY. It’s the day that we have chosen to leave the past behind. Today is the day that we bury the past beneath new positive I AM statements that will empower us to love ourselves and our lives.

In this present moment we will choose to state the unthinkable: “I AM loveable!” Say it out loud! Now say “I AM worthy of love!” “I AM worthy of all goodness in life!” “I AM worthy of God’s concern!” I AM beautiful!” “I AM intelligent!” “I AM charming!” and “I AM good enough!”

The more we repeat these positive I AM statements, the more we will come to believe them. And, eventually, we become what we believe. Our egos are programmed to affirm and make real whatever we choose to believe. Become who you really are. Allow yourself to be the beautiful image and likeness of God that you are. Say “I am who I am” and love who you “am!”


  1. Interesting post... When my children were young -- and I would challenge them the same way today -- I used to say to them, "Call me a tree." They would and I would ask them, "Am I a tree?" "No," they would respond in unison. "That's correct," I would answer, "Just because you call me a tree, a jerk or whatever, does not make me a tree! I am what I am," God says, "I AM who I AM." Even Popeye the Sailor chimes in, "I am what I am!" I agree with your assessment and must refer to the first words of the Dhammapada, "We are what we think. All that we are arises from our thoughts." I am compelled, however to take exception to your opening statement. Every morning during contemplative prayer, we raise our communal voice and declare, "Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be..." I do believe that God is the God of my past, my present and my future. As C.S. Lewis aptly contends, God is the fuel that runs the universe... yesterday, today and tomorrow. I believe humankind's greatest failure is to attempt to run the universe yesterday, today and unfortunately tomorrow on money, power, title and pleasure... not on God. Once we figure that out, we can "get back to the Garden."


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