Prayer for a Functional Family Christmas

If you have trouble owning your personal power over the Holidays, turn things over to your Higher Power and accept the help you need to be at peace. I hope this prayer helps!

Dear God, I’m powerless over family members and friends during the Holiday season. It’s impossible for me to own their issues by attempting to fix them all. Please help me to let go of my need to control family, friends and their behavior this Christmas.

Help me to, instead, focus on my own feelings and behavior. I surrender all of my imperfections to you. And my prayer is that you will help me stay balanced and focused on relating to others from a loving place within me.

Please remind me to never take anything that anyone says or does personally. The bad behavior of family and friends is not about me-- It’s about them and their own personal brokenness.

When I am faced with negative comments or behavior, I will trust you Lord to help me breathe, acknowledge my feelings and think. I want to act from a loving place instead of reacting from a wounded one.

Help me to be patient with myself and with others as Holiday gatherings unfold. I know I will make mistakes by giving my power away to others, or by reacting sharply to them. With your grace, however, I will bounce-back, own my power again and enjoy the gifts of this Christmas. Amen.


  1. This is possibly your best post his year. Thank you.

  2. Dearest Charlie,

    Thank you for helping me to feed and heal my soul!

    You have helped me see that I have had an insatiable need to control LIFE! Thank God I've realized that MY WORTH is not tied to my family of origin and/or anything else outside of myself.

    Merry Christmas!


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