Flow As Sons and Daughters of God Toward Your Purpose in Life

"His parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people —
his imagination had never really accepted them as his parents at all.
The truth was that Jay Gatsby of West Egg, Long Island, sprang from his Platonic conception of himself. He was a son of God—a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that--  and he must be about His Father's business.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

How many of us see ourselves as a “son of God” or a daughter of God? If we are the average addictive person, who is struggling with believing in him or her self, then I would say we most likely have never really seen ourselves as a son or daughter of God; at least not in the truest sense of a character like Jay Gatsby.

But aren’t we all truly sons and daughters of God? Yes we are. And aren’t we all created for a specific purpose to be fulfilled in this lifetime? Yes, we are. And what is that purpose? Primarily our purpose is to grow into being our unique selves 100 percent. Within that primary purpose we will find many others and each will unfold before us as we grow step by step into fully being ourselves.

The character of Jay Gatsby truly saw himself as a son of God. He is born into poverty and he undoubtedly learns as a child that he isn’t considered good enough to make it in this world. But because he sees himself as a son of God with a unique purpose, who can accomplish anything God has designed for him to accomplish, nothing can stop Gatsby. He shoots for the stars and he lands among them because he believes in himself as a son of God and he believes in his purpose—and no one can stop him, short of Gatsby himself.

And unfortunately for Gatsby, that’s exactly what happens. He takes his eyes off of completely becoming the son of God he is intended to be. Instead, he shifts his focus toward Daisy Buchanan, and he becomes obsessed with the one thing he can’t have. It’s obvious that Daisy was never meant to be part of Gatsby’s purpose in this life. And so she becomes a roadblock.

Gatsby looses his true sense of purpose and comes to a standstill as he obsesses over how he can incorporate Daisy into his purpose. His natural God-given flow in life, the flow that is meant to take him to the completion of his purpose, is completely disrupted by someone who was never meant to be part of that flow. And in the end, it is what destroys Gatsby and keeps him from properly attaining his true, fullest sense of self and purpose in this life.

This is why it’s so essential that we keep our eyes on developing to the fullest who we are as sons and daughters of God. The more we come to know and love ourselves, the more our purpose will unfold before us—and the more we will be invited by God to continue to flow with that purpose. Each step of the way, we will know that we are flowing with our purpose because we will have a strong sense of feeling good in our skin and of satisfaction in what we are doing.

The important thing to remember here is not to allow obsessions with certain people to get in the way of our natural flow. Codependents love to obsess over the wrong people. All of us can relate to Jay Gatsby and his intense obsession over Daisy Buchanan. We’ve all been there. We’ve left the path of our natural flow in life and we’ve diverted way off-course because we have allowed ourselves to become obsessed with someone who was supposedly going to safe us from ourselves. In doing so, some of us have suffered fates as great as Gatsby’s. But most of us have simply lost time.

Today, get in touch with the Son or Daughter of God that you are. Come to believe that you are indeed lovable just as you are in your unique ability to reflect God in a way no one else can do. The more you learn to love that person that you are, the more the doors of clarity will open before your eyes and the more you will understand your true purpose. Believe in yourself, your purpose and go for it. But do so with the understanding that there will be many people you meet along the way. There will be those people are part of your flow and you will flow together toward your united purpose. And there will be those people along the way who are the Daisy Buchanans—easy to be distracted by and easy to obsess over, but not intended to be part of your natural flow.

Avoid the Daisy Buchanans and flow with the people God has intended you to flow with. Flow together toward your united purposes and flow fully into being all that you can be as a son or daughter of God!


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