Grow Into Trusting Yourself and Life

Most addictive personalities have difficulty with trust. We grew-up in families where trust was discouraged, or simply not possible to maintain. As a result we now struggle with the very concept of being able to trust anyone or anything.

In recovery the first person we need to learn to trust is ourselves. That’s a hefty assignment for most of us, but an extremely necessary one. We can start by beginning to believe in our own personal value. Everyone has value in this world. There are no exceptions to that one fact.

Once we start seeing ourselves as lovable, valuable and unique individuals, we can choose to move forward by trusting ourselves to make life-giving decisions. We will see that we are equal with everyone in this world in that we all have a purpose for being here. We will see that we all share the same purpose of fully growing into being the persons we were created to be. And, as we begin to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually through our recovery programs, we will see ourselves beginning to blossom into being the people we were created to be.

The more we make the effort to grow, the more we will trust ourselves that we are indeed moving in the right direction. If we come across a roadblock, that’s fine. We will trust that a Universal guidance will redirect us past that curve and help us back onto the right track.

Along our path to personal empowerment, we will meet people who can share their strengths and stories with us. We will meet people who we can trust to help us complete our journey into self-fulfillment; and we will become valuable, trustworthy individuals who can help others grow into their self-fulfillment.

Over time we will learn to trust ourselves to choose what is life-giving and nourishing for ourselves. We will choose to treat our bodies to healthy foods and proper amounts of exercise. We will choose to take time for our spiritual well-being by attending recovery meetings and finding time to quiet ourselves into healing forms of prayer. And we will learn to walk with all of our emotions, making room for all of them as we allow all of them to bring the proper emotional healing that they each offer us.

As we grow into trusting ourselves, we will also grow into knowing who we can trust in this world and who we cannot trust. We will better be able to discern who is toxic for us and who is trustworthy. We will also shake free from our naivety in terms of magical thinking. By this I mean that we will come to understand that even the people we learn to trust will sometimes let us down. No one is perfect and we can’t expect that our trust will never be broken. Certainly we will learn that there’s a big difference between constantly having our trust broken by someone as opposed to occasionally having our trust broken.

Always remember that no one can rescue you from yourself; not even your Higher Power can do that. You have to enter recovery determined to be responsible for your life and your well-being. This means that we all have to grow into being responsible for our own lives and happiness; and that requires learning to trust ourselves. Ask your Higher Power for guidance and then allow that Higher Power to be the wind behind your back. You have to be the one who consciously chooses to move your life forward and your Higher Power will be there to nudge you along the way.

So make the choice today to begin your growing-process. Start growing more fully into being the healthy whole (spiritual-physical-emotional-mental) person that you are destined to be. Believe in your value and believe in your unique purpose. You are only asked to fully become yourself. That’s all. Everyone can do that. We can make the choice to start loving ourselves. We can make the choice to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The more we grow in these ways, the more our purpose will unfold before our eyes, and the more we will grow in our abilities to trust ourselves and to trust life.

So get going. No one can stop you but you!


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