Let’s Live! It’s Time to Dance!

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
Neale Donald Walsch

I’m beginning to think that life has always been a problem for me because my comfort zone is so massive and impossible for anyone to penetrate—including me. It holds me safely inside of it and it definitely keeps everyone else out—even those people I don’t really want to keep out.

Actually, I’m realizing that I have been a prisoner of my comfort zone most all of my life. It was useful at first. It kept me safe from further rejection and emotional pain. But it grew with every year of my life until it grew into something so massive that I no longer had any power over it. I have been trapped inside my comfort zone for many years and never understood that it was holding me hostage.

It’s true that life begins at the end of our comfort zones. And because I’ve never been able to penetrate my comfort zone, life has never truly begun for me. In recent weeks I’ve been trying to get beyond playing it safe. I’ve tried to open up and free myself from my comfort zone by allowing people in. But every time I try to reach beyond my comfort zone, old familiar patterns of body language kick-in and hold me back. This is the body language that says “I’m ice. Stay away from me. Don’t you dare say ‘Hi’ or even acknowledge that I exist. Just keep on walking.” This is not what I want to project to the world anymore.

It’s frustrating when you want to act one way but your body acts the opposite way. It’s insanity when the comfort zone is in control of your life and you are powerless. So I’m asking my Higher Power to free me from my comfort zone. I want the life I want to live, not the life that other people think I should live, or the life that is simply safe.

I haven’t been able to budge my comfort zone myself, so I’m going to have to rely on my Higher Power to lead the way. And I’m going to have to rely on others to help me, too. So let’s go God! Let’s destroy this comfort zone. Let’s move outside of it and let’s dance in the sunshine and the rain. Let’s move forward into a new world that is scary and exhilarating, wild but wonderful, hurtful and yet so loving—that is life!


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