You Are the Artist of Your Life

“Your life is a canvas; the colors are you!”
Magne Furuholmen , White Canvas

   You are the artist of your life. Your life is a canvas and you have the power to paint your life into the most beautiful, fulfilling portrait possible. God has created you for this very purpose, and God has encoded into you all of the talents, skills and ability to make your unique mark upon this world.
   No one can stop you. Absolutely no one has the power to take your God-given purpose from you. People may sometimes get in the way, but no one can keep you from living all that you have been destined to live; and to create. 
   Dare to be uniquely yourself, just as the one white Tulip dares to be uniquely itself amidst the hundreds of red Tulips below. Take your deepest most cherished desire and create a beautiful reality from it. God created your life, but you have the power to create (or co-create with God) your life’s purpose.
   The more you grow mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually into the wholeness of your personhood, the more your purpose will grow with you. As you evolve on your path in life, so will your purpose evolve with you. You are ever changing, the world is ever changing and your purpose is ever changing. It stretches and grows with you each and every day.
   Any time you feel like your life is stagnating, look to your inner-self to discover the blockage. Most likely your feelings of emptiness or being stuck are telling you that you are not properly taking good care of your personal needs. You never stop growing mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually unless you choose to stop nurturing yourself.
   In times of stagnation, listen to your inner-voices. Mental anguish is a voice, emotional discomfort is a voice, spiritual dryness is a voice and physical pain is also a voice. Each of these voices has something to tell you that will jump-start you back onto the right creative track. Live the prayer below as a means of staying connected to God, yourself and your purpose in life:

     Love is God’s gift to me. It is a gift I choose to accept today. I will walk into the sunshine of God’s love and allow each love-ray to enliven my soul. As I bask in this great warmth, I will share it with myself— allowing myself to feel my own inner-love for simply being me.

   I will nurture that love by kissing my shoulders, by wrapping my arms around myself and giving myself a heart-warming hug. Then I will take time to do something else nurturing for me, like taking a long, gentle walk. It will give me time to talk to my Higher Power and to strengthen my body.

   Next, I will eat a meal filled with fruits and vegetables. And finally, I will do something I love: Read a book, take a nap, or watch a film.

   Later I will make time for friends. I will call a friend or family member and connect on an emotional and spiritual level. In these and other ways, I will love myself as God loves me: Wonderfully!


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