Nothing Changes in Our Lives Until We Do

Nothing changes in our lives until we do. Recovery is the choice we have made in an effort to change our lives for the better. But it is an EFFORT. And it's easy to find ourselves balking at investing in that effort during the recovery process.

We can say to ourselves "Why me? My friends don't have to work the 12 Steps. They don't have to go to meetings. They don't have to spend time with a sponsor. They don't have to see a therapist." Sometimes we continue with thoughts like "This isn't my fault that I'm an addict. I didn't ask for it. This is my parents' fault. Why should I have to suffer and work the 12 Steps?"

When we find ourselves falling backwards into this mind set, we need to be very careful. We have the right to grieve the fact that we are addicts and that we learned the behavior as children. True we didn't know any better when we started mimicking the behaviors of our parents. It may be their fault, but we can't spend our whole lives blaming them. This leads to resentment and resentment keeps us stuck in old patterns of behavior.

So, yes, we can grieve that we are not having an easier time with life like our friends (supposedly) are, but we still need to remain responsible for our lives and our own happiness. 

Our lives will only improve by working the program. We will only become "reasonably happy" people when we take responsibility for our lives and choose to move forward in the new directions recovery offers us. We will only succeed by working the 12 Steps, attending meetings and being open and honest with our feelings.

So if you are stuck in "Why me?" this is your kick in the pants to get out of it. Nothing in your life will change for the better until you do. The world doesn't need to change. Mom and Dad don't need to change. Friends don't need to change. We do.


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