Be Aware of the Negative Thoughts Your Subconscious Mind is Whispering to You

Sometimes the words that come out of our mouths are self-deprecating. God knows I’ve called myself a “dummy,” an “idiot” and “worthless” verbally out loud. But most of the damage I’ve done to my own self-acceptance, self-worth and self-love over the years has been the result of negative self-thinking has has continually whispered through my subconscious mind.

I’ve grown to believe that most of the damage we do to our self-love is done almost silently in our subconscious minds. It explains why we sometimes emotionally feel bad even though we aren’t consciously thinking negative thoughts or having negative experiences. When this happens to me, I know now that my subconscious mind is whispering to my heart in self-destructive ways.

I know of no way to control the subconscious mind, but I understand the damage it can do to me. This is why when I’m feeling sad or depressed and I have no conscious reason to feel that way, I believe my subconscious mind is rekindling horrors from the past that I still haven’t faced. So, even if I don’t know what negative thoughts are whispering through my subconscious mind, I allow the bad feelings room to grow until their power begins to diminish. I allow them to process their way through my subconscious mind and through my body until they wear themselves out of existence. They are then released and gone.

And I process and release these bad subconscious thoughts and the conscious emotional pain they are causing with the help of my Higher Power, and by sharing with others that I’m not in a good emotional place. It’s important to talk about the feelings. It helps to process and release them into nothingness.


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