Hey, Drama Queens! Put Out Your Own Fires Now. I’ve Got Better Things to Do!

I no longer allow myself to get caught up in other people’s drama. The need to be the great rescuer, to feel responsible for everyone else’s issues and problems, has left me. And it feels great.

I don’t need to get involved in other people’s chaos to avoid myself. I’m facing my own issues, I’m learning to stop creating my own chaos as well, and I’m liking me and my life better than I ever have before.

Recently I walked in on a drama-in-process at work. Two people were caught up in a disagreement and one of them immediately seized hold of my arm and wanted me to take her side. I shook it off and said “Not my circus, not my monkeys”— and kept walking. Whatever the problem was, I had no intention of getting caught up in it, or owning any part of it.

If people at work, home or anywhere want to create drama and chaos I have no intentions of participating in it anymore. I don’t think the woman at work appreciated my comment or the fact that I walked away, refusing to engage in the chaos I’m used to seeing her create. She probably blamed me for not getting involved, and played the “burn victim” of the fire she lit.

That’s OK. I don’t care. I’m powerless over her and what she thinks about me, and I DON’T care anymore what people think about me. I can validate myself now, thanks to Recovery and the help of my Higher Power. I’m done with drama. I’m done with creating it for myself and I’m done with being drawn into other people’s self-created nightmares.

I’m living my life now— and I’m so much happier!


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