It’s Time to Fulfill Your Special Purpose for This Generation. So Grow Your Wings and Fly!

We can’t fully understand our purpose in life until we are willing to face our fears and push past them. Recovery— and any successful endeavor in life— calls us to move beyond our comfort zones. It’s often uncomfortable telling our deepest, darkest secrets to a therapist or to members of a recovery group. Recovery requires us to be vulnerable as we change our ways of thinking, behaving and interacting with others.

Awareness forces us to make a choice: We can choose to stay stuck, where we feel comfortable but miserable, or we can choose to move forward into a dark newness that will quickly bring new light into our lives. The first option is easy. The second option if lifegiving. Easy is a cop out. It’s a choice to merely exist. Lifegiving is adventurous. It’s a choice to step away from merely existing and to live through experiencing the unfamiliar. It’s reaching for the stars, knowing that with the help of our Higher Power, we can dance among those stars to our heart’s content.

None of us are here by chance. We are all here because God choice to place us in the here and now, with a special purpose to fulfill for the betterment of the world around us. We can’t fulfill that purpose if we stay cocooned in an addictive trap. We have to be willing to trust ourselves and our Higher Power, so we can move beyond our old cocoons and into the newness of blue skies and starry nights. We have to be willing to try and grow our wings.

Once we are, nothing can stop us, aside from our fears. Those fears are often based in our childhood inferior feelings about ourselves. Those bad old feelings that have made us forever seem to be lesser than others. Those terrible feelings that have been made worse by comparing ourselves to others and seeing ourselves as lesser than. But those feelings are only feelings and they are not of God.

God compares us to no one. We are all perfectly imperfect and we all glow in God’s eyes. I have my purpose in life and you have yours. They are equally as important. We are equally as important. And we are called to live our purpose for the enhancement of this current generation we live in.

This year has been a milestone year for me in being challenged by my Higher Power to move beyond my comfort zone and into new areas of life I never imagined. I took on the responsibility of writing my first magazine article on addiction. And, as a result, I am now an award-winning writer. writing that article required great vulnerability, but it was worth it. I’m scared to death, but I’m taking on a new job over the next several months that will also cause me to stretch, grow and move beyond my comfort zone. It will be a lot of work. I could stay in my current cocoon, but to do so would be to run from my God-given purpose.

I refuse to do that anymore. I could say “I don’t feel comfortable taking on that job,” but it would be a cop out on my behalf. Fear would triumph over my purpose. As a recovering person, I can no longer allow that to happen. All I have to do is my best— and then leave the rest to my Higher Power. It’s that simple.

Are you facing yourself and living your true purpose in life? Or is fear in control of your life? Fear is useless. It has no more power than what we choose to give it. So push past your fears and reach for the stars. Trust yourself and your a Higher Power and touch success, feel content, and move joyfully past your comfort zone. Wear your butterfly wings proudly!


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