Don’t Change Who You Are for Anyone. Be True to Yourself.

by Swing Out Sister

It’s pretty typical for codependents to look in the mirror and see a “reflection that isn’t me.” Some of us don’t see our true selves because all we see in the mirror are the many harsh judgments we’ve made against ourselves. Others of us look in the mirror and we’re not sure who’s really looking back at us because we’ve been life-long people-pleasers. We’ve been like chameleons, constantly bending and changes ourselves to please others.

People pleasing can cause us to question who we truly are, what we truly like, what we really believe and what we really need or want. Prior to recovery, I used to sit with others, whether one on one or in groups, and listen to what the other person(s) liked, wanted and believed without saying a word until I knew who they were and what they wanted me to be. After hearing their opinions and likes, if they were different from my own, I’d lie to them. I’d tell them I believed and liked the same things they did because I had an insatiable need to be accepted, liked and needed.

Honestly, back before Recovery, I was one person around one individual and another person around a different individual because I felt I had to be who they each wanted me to be. So I had to bend and twist myself in many ways to please multiple people, including my parents.

Entering Recovery, I didn’t know who I really was inside. But now I do. Recovery has taught me that I have to determine what I like, believe, want and need without any regard as to whether who I really am pleases others or not. It’s not my job to please anyone. It’s my job to be me— the AUTHENTIC me.

If people don’t like the real me and expect me to change to please them, I now tell them “I’m not gonna change” to be who you want me to be. I am who I am and if you don’t like who I am either you can walk away or I will.

In reality, no one ever likes everything about another person. It’s an impossible expectation to think someone should like everything about us or vice-versa. But, if we really like or love each other, we have the capability to adjust to those things we don’t like about each other. No one should have to be false to themselves, or change, to be what someone else wants them to be.

Own your personal power by being true to yourself. You will then attract the right people into your life, and the wrong ones will “walk away.” And that’s a good thing.


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