Is There Room in Your Heart for Feelings?

I’ve decided to give one last retreat before I leave Tucson. And it’s a brand new retreat that I’ve entitled “Is There Room in Your Heart for Feelings?” 

We codependents are pros at running from our feelings. We’re equally as proficient at hiding what we really think, need and want from others. We don’t know how to tell someone when they’ve overstepped our boundaries or hurt our feelings. Nor do we know how to tell someone that we’d rather go see a rock concert than go to a baseball game. And, if we’ve been busy taking care of everyone’s needs all day, we don’t know how to say “No” to one more request— even if we haven’t eaten all day.

But we do know how to feel abused, put-out, mad and resentful as we continue to dismiss our wants, needs and desires for the sake of making everyone else happy. And we’re masters at burying those feelings inside of us instead of releasing them at the proper times.

This retreat will focus on expressing our feelings, wants and needs in the moment as they are happening, instead of stuffing them until we eventually explode like a hurricane. If you’re interested, make a reservation today. All the info is in the above flier.


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