Kiss the Frog in the Mirror Goodbye!

You know, Kermit the Frog was right. It’s tough being green-- at least for those of us who look in the mirror every morning and see the reflection of a frog looking back at us. Green is nice for grass, but somehow it doesn’t make for a good complexion. But then, neither does acne, or age spots, or other undesirable blemishes that we choose not to accept. So we stand in front of the mirror each morning, day after day, rejecting ourselves and croaking “If only I looked like Brad Pitt” or “If only I looked like Natalie Portman.”

Worse yet, we want someone to come to our aid and rescue us from our dreaded froggy-ness. We wait impatiently for a Prince Valiant or a Maid Marian to come and kiss-away our greenness as they love us into being radiant beautiful people. Yes, we wait for the great impossibility. And it is impossible. No one can rescue us and no one can give us what we have refused to give to ourselves.

We may have allowed others to tell us that we were homely, or fat or unacceptable in some way, but they didn’t place a curse on us. They didn’t make us green. We chose to place a curse on ourselves. We chose to be frogs because we believed what they told us. And we can just as easily choose to believe better things about ourselves.

Children look into mirrors and are fascinated with seeing their reflections. Children love what they see. There is no real sense of handsome or ugly to them. What we forget is that all of us once loved our reflections in mirrors, before we chose to be frogs, and we can love our reflections again. We can rescue ourselves.

We are the only persons who can break the curse of our self-imposed froggy-ness. We have to look in the mirror and choose to love ourselves, warts and all. This isn’t easy for the average “frog.” We’ve spent a lot of time condemning ourselves and we’ve come to be somewhat comfortable being green. So it will take time to learn to love what we see—the real us. We will have to learn to see past the “ugly” screen we have imposed over our true beauty.

I encourage people to start by looking in the mirror each morning and singing “Oh, You Beautiful Doll” or “I’m Too Sexy for My Shirt” to themselves. It may seem awkward at first, but, at the very least, you will be able to laugh at yourself. And God knows we all need to stop taking ourselves so seriously. After you finish with your song and dance, you need to look in the mirror and say “I love and accept you just the way you are.” And you need to maintain this mentality. The more you affirm yourself, the more you will find yourself breezing through your day. You will become much more comfortable in your own skin because you will feel a lot less green.

Break your self-imposed curse. Look in the mirror and see the prince or princess that you are. Give Kermit back his greenness. Love yourself into allowing your soul to shine!


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