Self-Kindness Will Slowly Wash-Away Self-Sabotage

As I open my heart to goodness and acceptance, I experience a new kind of love. It is unconditional and ever-present. It flows freely. I aspire to be loving in this way and I surrender myself to this all-embracing Love. I choose to be loving, gentle and kind toward myself instead of being critical, cruel and controlling.

I am deserving of love. I will work at identifying the messages within my head that tell me I am not lovable. They are rooted deep within me and are my primary means of self-condemnation and self-sabotage. Throughout my life I have willfully, though often unintentionally, destroyed relationships, career opportunities, social activities and my own personal happiness by falsely believing I was unlovable.

Today I believe I am lovable, and I will use my new-found awareness to nourish the love I give to myself and the love that others give to me. I sometimes still have difficulty in feeling lovable, but by God’s grace-- and by practicing kindness toward myself-- I am gradually feeling a natural love flowing from within me and washing over me.
I choose to identify all of my means of self-sabotage. I will no longer run from life’s messiness, and I will let go of my need to control reality. I accept that I am the only person I can change and I choose to accept things about myself that I cannot change. I will grieve my losses and will heal my wounds with empathy toward myself. I will allow God’s healing love to lift me to a higher level of self-acceptance and self-worth.

Here and now, I chose to be responsible for my own happiness and for no one else’s. I will no longer look for happiness outside myself. I will free myself from unreasonable expectations and I will stop taking life personally. I will no longer take on other people’s issues or feelings; and I will no longer place conditions on my happiness. I will stop playing the victim.

In these many ways, I will open myself up to love. My heart will become a spring of living, loving kindness toward myself and others, and my life will become a doorway into the happiness I have always longed to experience as I allow my soul to shine.


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