A Prayer for Becoming Love Personified

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law."
Galatians Chapter 5:22-23

Let's take a moment today to pray and ask God to fill us with the fruit of the Spirit that we may walk in gentleness and kindness with everyone we encounter:

Dear Lord, I confess that I have often allowed negativity to wash over me, seep through my skin and sink into my mind, heart and soul.  

Angry thoughts have sometimes raged through my head like a deadly tornado. I have harbored resentments and have at times allowed them to spew past my lips, hurting people that I never really intended to harm.

I'm afraid that my pride has also prevented me-- in many cases-- from taking proper responsibility for my hurtful words and actions. I need to make amends. Help me, Lord, to do so with a sorrowful, sincere heart. Soften my heart with kindness, compassion and empathy for everyone on life's path; especially enable me to be loving to those persons I find difficult to love or even like.

Help me to practice “love does no harm” and to remain focused on Your great love for me and for everyone, even my enemies. We are all created in Your image and likeness, and we are all called to love the image and likeness of You that is present in everyone.

Help me to be the loving, compassionate person I dearly want to be. Cleanse me of my anger and negativity by allowing Your love to wash over me, seep through my skin, and sink into my mind, heart and soul. Help me to be Your love personified. Amen.


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