There is Only One True Gospel: The Gospel of Love

“This is my commandment: Love one another as I love you.”
Gospel of John, Chapter 15:12

There are people today who preach a gospel of hate. Worse yet, they preach it in the name of God, who is Love. Love and God are synonymous, love and hate are opposites-- thus God and hate are opposites. Hatred is a byproduct of evil. The byproduct of hatred is violence. Evil and violence are never of God and they cannot be rightfully perpetrated in God's name.

There is no evil or hatred to be found in the God who says “love one another as I love you.” This is the authentic God who loves everyone equally; regardless of race, religious preference, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, political views, social standing or personal brokenness. This is the God who came to earth as Jesus Christ. This is the God who reached out to the masses of marginalized persons, took them under His personal care and loved them despite their diseases or sinfulness. He loved lepers and prostitutes, tax collectors and the lame, beggars and even those who disagreed with Him. He projected Love personified to the world around Him. Hate and violence were NEVER a part of His message. The message was simple: Love your God, love yourself and love your neighbor (including your enemies) as you love yourself.

God created each and every person in this world. We are all equal in God’s eyes. When God looks at each of us, He sees only the beauty of His handiwork. He sees beyond black and white, Christian and Hindu, male and female, gay and straight, American and Mexican, Republican and Democrat, conservative and liberal, rich and poor, PhD and GED.  Everyone counts in God’s eyes and everyone has a special resting place in God’s heart-- There are no exceptions.

The word “Gospel” means Good News. Hatred is never about good news. Hatred is about envy, jealousy, prejudice, ignorance, self-loathing, resentment, self-righteousness and the need to divide others for personal gain-- be it for power or money or both. Hatred is about human self-righteousness-- the condemnation of others who have been unfairly judged by society as unacceptable, less than human and somehow unworthy of proper human dignity and treatment.

Those who preach the gospel of hate today are bent on gaining power and wealth at the expense of the vulnerable. Jesus had no interest in power, fortune or fame. He came to redeem the vulnerable and marginalized. And, certainly, Jesus was a victim of the self-righteous Gospel of the World (of hate, power and gain) of His day. It condemned him to death.

God is always about inclusiveness. God is about uniting us under a banner of love, of putting our differences aside, of agreeing to disagree, and of learning from each other so humanity can move forward together through the Gospel of Love. But humans are too often about polarization in the name of God, of "us" against "them," of separate, divide and destroy, which is the Gospel of the World. The gospel that cannot produce Good News for it is not of God.

So the choice is ours. We can choose to live by the self-righteous Gospel of the World, which harms and marginalizes people, or we can choose to live by the authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Gospel of Love, which unites all people and does no harm to anyone. When we choose the Gospel of Love, we allow our souls to shine!


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