2 Divided by Pride = 1

“Two divided by love equals one and one is a lonely number.”
Two Divided by Love, the Grass Roots

Back in the late 1960s/ early 1970s, there was a popular rock group called the Grass Roots. One of their hit singles was “Two Divided by Love.” Today, as I re-experience that song, it occurs to me that it’s quite impossible to be divided by love. Love unites.

Love unites me to myself when I’m struggling with my dark side and its many imperfections or limitations. It unites me to my pain. Love helps me to face the pain. It helps me to walk through the pain and to take back my personal power by refusing to run from my pain, or from those who try to inflict emotional pain onto me by criticizing my imperfections. Love converts pain to power. It allows me to stand up, face the bullies of this world and honor myself.

Love unites me to God, my Higher Power, who works endless miracles in my life. The miracles are always present, but I see them more clearly when I’m united to God through love. When I need to face pain and sadness, my love connection to God gives me the strength to succeed. The Holy Spirit wells-up within me and provides me with the love, self-worth and courage to be me and to face my demons and my adversaries. 

And love unites me to everyone in the family of man. It unites me to my family and friends, to unknown people I encounter every day, and even to my enemies. My enemies? Yes. Love helps me to face, confront and make peace with those people who are most unkind to me. In this way, love converts and unites people who are at odds with each other.

Love does not divide people. That’s impossible, unless we are speaking of a false love. A selfish or false love divides, and is often fueled by pride, ego or neediness. This type of “love” is motivated by what’s best for me alone, and has little or no consideration for the other. If you aren’t sure whether your love is authentic or false, ask yourself “what is my motivation?” If my motivation is to bend over backwards to “love” others because I want to be wanted, or need to be needed or expect to be loved in return, then my motivation is false. My “love” isn’t really love at all. It is neediness and neediness is selfish. 

“Two Divided by Pride” would probably be a better title for a song. Two divided by pride “equals one and one is a lonely number.” If you are lonely, turn to the Holy Spirit inside of you. Allow yourself to be united by love: to yourself, God and all others who can convert loneliness into happiness. Allow your soul to shine!


  1. this is JUST what I needed to read right now. Thank you Charlie for your love!


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