Invest in Positive Personal Energy. The Dividends Are Priceless!

How do you invest your personal energy? Do you invest it in negative “I am” statements, or in positive “I am” statements? Negative “I am” statements include, but are not limited to, phrases like “I’m lousy,” “I’m putrid,” or “I’m crap.” Positive “I am” statements run along the lines of “I’m talented,” “I’m attractive,” or “I’m creative.”

There’s quite a difference between “I’m crap” and “I’m creative.” The first destroys your self-worth and the latter enriches your presence in this world. So which would you REALLY rather invest your energy in— self-deprecation or self-affirmation? Do you want to be miserable by investing in “I’m crap” statements, or would you rather have a sense of well-being by investing in “I’m creative” statements? Seems like a no-brainer to me.

And yet, so many of us continue to use up all of our personal resources by bashing ourselves into total misery. We ensure that we have bad days by relentlessly playing bad “I am” statements through our heads. Then we wonder why we feel so drained and tired before we ever even head home from work. Or we wonder why we feel so lonely and isolated. Well, think of it this way: If we spent all day telling ourselves “I am crap” it’s not likely that we attracted any one or any thing to us, except maybe flies. What we believe about ourselves, we also project to the world around us. No one is attracted to someone who radiates “I’m crap.”

So, why do we make such poor investments with our time, resources and energy? Maybe it’s time we asked our selves that question, and stopped to realize what we’ve been doing to ourselves. The bad news is that we’ve wasted a lot of time and resources. The good news is it’s never too late to learn how to start making good self-investments. Even if our self-abuse has bankrupted our spirits and we are facing a spiritual Chapter 11 redemption, there’s still time to transform our self-annihilation into self-redemption.

Redemption begins with our deciding we are worthy of loving ourselves and that we are worthy of God’s helping hand. We may first have to admit that we are powerless over our self-negating behavior, and then surrender our powerlessness to God. Next we will need to believe that we can take all of our worthless negative energy and invest it in positive self-affirmation. We will then need to begin to change our “I am crap” statements into “I am valuable beyond words” statements. The more we invest in positive personal energy and positive “I am” statements, the quicker we will experience miraculous uplifting transformations in our daily lives.

It makes no sense at all to invest all of our personal energy in hating ourselves. That only leads to spiritual bankruptcy. Invest in a sure thing. Positive personal energy is the best bet on the spiritual stock market. Invest some positive energy in yourself and God today and allow your soul to shine!


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