You Are the Fairest of Them All. Believe It!

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?” The answer to this famous question from Snow White is simple: YOU ARE! Snow White never cornered the market on fairness or beauty. Yes, she is fair, but so are you and so is everyone in this world.

A more important question to ask yourself may be “Am I open to believing that I am the fairest of them all?” If you are willing to be open to believing that you are the answer, then you are on your way toward personal transformation.

I’d venture to say that most people on this earth do not believe that they are the answer; that they are fair or beautiful. Yet EVERYONE is. When you look into the mirror and see someone who is less than the fairest, you are seeing a dark illusion of someone else’s vision of you which, at some point in your life, you accepted as true. It is false. Someone at sometime in your life lacquered you with their inner-pain and you accepted the shellacking. You came to believe that you were not fair or beautiful and you made that belief your reality. Now you have the power to make the truth your reality, and the truth is that you are beautiful just as God created you.

There are plenty of people in this world who see the true “fair” you. Look into the mirror at yourself and try to honestly see the beautiful you that others see. Work at it everyday until it becomes easier and easier to see all of the beauty that oozes through your pores. Affirm yourself everyday with the mantra “I am beauty personified. I am a beautiful reflection of the image and likeness of God.”

Layer yourself with love. Don’t resist it. And allow God and others to layer you with love as well. Graciously accept all forms of love that come your way. Warm and comfort yourself in them, and bask in the glow of who you truly are: The fairest of them all. Then take the time to recognize the fairness in everyone around you and offer them the same loving encouragement that you have received. In doing so, you will allow your soul to shine!


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