Power Your Way Through Life

“Wait 30 seconds. You’ll gain clarity. And then you’ll know what to do.”
Bradley Cooper, Limitless

We are used to reacting to life. Life happens and we each have our own little reactions that require no thought and no effort—and that more often than not result in negative consequences. Then recovery supplies the new-found treasure of awareness. We realize that we don’t have to react to life anymore. We actually have a choice. We can default into reacting, or we can choose a different path. We can stop, breathe, relax for a moment and allow healthier alternatives to flash through our minds. Suddenly life has new possibilities. Life gets a little better.

I was staying with some friends recently and forgot to bring their house key with me. One morning I left their apartment to go to Panera Bread. Once the door closed and locked behind me, I realized I needed the house key to get through the gate to the lot where my car was parked. My natural reaction was to panic and ring their bell, even though I knew they were still in bed.

Then I remembered a scene from the movie Limitless, which we had watched the night before. In the movie Bradley Cooper tells his girlfriend to take a wonder-drug, wait 30 seconds, gain clarity and then act. I took a deep breath, relaxed and then—sure enough—I gained clarity and knew what to do. I remembered there was a combination lock entry pad at the parking lot gate. All I had to do was enter the code, the gate would open and I could walk through and get to my car. And that’s what I did. Instead of reacting, like a helpless victim, I took the time to gain clarity and help myself for the better. And I didn’t even need a wonder-drug!

Acting, owning your power, and participating in life works. Reacting doesn’t. When life surprises you, take time to gain clarity. Then power your way through life.


  1. Great Advice! One deep breath can save a whole lot of heartburn.


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